To the Entire Congregation
I write to erase ONCE AND FOR ALL the poisonous allegations of that son of Satan, Mortimer Cragge.
As you know, he has been spewing forth his poisonous libel that I have been visiting a house of sin to enjoy salacious pleasure. Well, I am now in a position to answer his calumny.
It is true that I made those visits, not for pleasure but out of duty. I humbly thank the Almighty for giving me the strength and fortitude to do so.
For the past nineteen years, in all weathers, I have had to make the long bus journey to that awful place. After gaining discreet access, I've had to wrestle for the souls of those wretched women.
I've engaged in oral combat gladly. I've suffered their physical assaults with fortitude, assisted by spiritual elation. Week after week I have given my all in relentless battle with the devil.
Over the years I've had successes. Many of the poor creatures have seen the light and moved on to better things, like office cleaning. Unfortunately, they have been immediately replaced by new fresh young women who needed my vigorous attention.
Mine has been a hard, lonely struggle. But like others before me I have never flinched from my task of saving fallen women.
Nor shall I flinch in the future. With your support I shall ignore Cragge and his abusive maledictions. I will continue my lonely mission (but not at the same house and not on Thursdays).
Your Guide and Friend,
Nathan G. Bethel
PS How did Cragge know where I was? Ask him that! Ha! Ha!