Vinegar Club

To all existing and intending members of the Vinegar Club. Before reading this, consult the list at the end.

Dear ______,

I have exciting and historic news which I must share with you!

1. The negotiations with the corner shop owners have reached a crucial stage. We have agreed that the Vinegar Club will become the first specialist shop in the UK selling all kinds of vinegar and nothing else! (We have overcome the initial attractions of going into partnership with the Rhubarb Association of UK.) I can well imagine the smell and dirt of living with rotting vegetation!

I recognise that your initial investment may now be heavy. Shortly, I shall let you know how much you have to pay in. However, as the shop prospers, you will end up with a long-term profit.

2. Gwen continues with her experiments to produce a perfume with a vinegar base. She has encountered some difficulty developing a satisfactory purple dye with which to protect the perfume from illegal imitation. Anyone with specific suggestions, please contact her directly.

3. I enclose a list of Vinegar Club investors and their areas of special interest. Please feel free to communicate with each other, but let me have a copy.

Yours sincerely,
